The Dedication of Toto Steubesand has Led him to many Feats in the Business and Entertainment Industries
Thorsten Steubesand, better known by his moniker “Toto,” was raised by his loving German parents. Soon after he finished high school, he and his family established a commercial laundry business. Taking what he learned, he decided to go back to school and earn a bachelor’s degree in textile cleaning. Before the turn of the twentieth century, he worked for his father’s company. As someone who is used to putting in long hours, Toto Steubesand enlisted in the German Navy in 1995. Following eight or nine years of military service, he joined the Navy and performed a wide range of duties aboard various naval ships.
He served in these capacities prior to shifting his attention to ACINT (acoustic intelligence), which eventually led him to HUMINT (human intelligence). Toto Steubesand put in a lot of time in the workplace learning the ropes and eventually rose to the position of field HUMINT leader and later tactical HUMINT leader in the international Special Forces community. As a result of his hard work and dedication, he was given the opportunity to advance to the position of Anti-Terrorism/Anti-Piracy Class for Staff Officers in Pensacola, Florida in 2012. (NITC Netsafa intern. Trainings center). His military career included more than 15 deployments, both on land and at sea, to places like Lebanon, Afghanistan, Europe, and Africa. Later that year, after spending a significant portion of his life in the Navy, he decided to leave the service due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which he shares with many of his fellow service members.
Toto Steubesand was a fierce warrior who could hold his own in any field. He assumed the role of CEO at ZST Security Service Consulting and Technology GmbH in Bordesholm (close to Kiel) in 2013. He kept going even though it was tough. Seven years later, he was promoted to executive partner. To prepare their personal security team for high-stakes close protection missions, he and his business partners set up the International Academy for Security (IAS) in conjunction with the launch of ZST. Every month, about a hundred students made up this group. His companies are considered PMSCs (private military security companies) due to their expertise in foiling pirate attacks on merchant ships. Toto was asked to lead the BDSW by the German Task Force for Marine Security, and he accepted.
He opened up his own martial arts school, AbwehrKraft, in Kiel that same year (2016). He now travels the globe teaching close combat and weapon use to everyone from regular citizens to law enforcement officers and government officials as well as members of the armed forces. In 2021, he was featured in the “Celebrity Hunted Germany” series on AMAZON PRIME GERMANY. Production was halted due to the coronavirus, but it is expected to restart in 2023. Since then, he has become in demand as a trainer, coach, military security expert, and public speaker.
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